This is the boys page!
All my boys can be used for stud.
Please click on the picture of the cat to go to it’s individual page.
All Stud Cats can be available for stud to tested queens please call or email for details.

Jentoria Admonsh Mikkay Madtop, British Shorthair Silver Spotted male stud.Bubbles is the foundation of many of my kittens i have bred.
British Shorthair silver spotted stud boy
Bubbles got his first champion at the supream cat show held at the N.E.C in Birmingham in November 2002. As you can see he is a vey handsome boy, His write ups by various judges in the Our Cats paper from all of his shows are excellent, He is a true champion from his massive head to his big strong cobby body. And he knows it! He has sired many kittens and loves ALL of his many girlfriends!

Admonsh Mischief Tangle, Snow Spotted Bengal.
Max— Is a stunning snow spotted Bengal, At his first show he won himself his first merit certificate and his report was excellent it read ” Big massive boy a credit to his breed, good set of ears, big strong cobby body, i could go on and on he is totally georgeous”
He is an excellent father and has a brilliant temperment.
Max loves rolling over so you stroke his belly, a real attention seeker and im sure you will agree he is a stunner.

Jentoria Orion, Blue Eyed Snow Spotted Bengal.ORION—Is a blue eyed snow spotted bengal like max. He is a F1 generation bengal so is very close to the real Asian Leopard. He is a very loving cat with plenty of affection to go around. He has kittens on the ground at the moment and is proving to be a great sire
Jentoria Storm, Blue eyed Snow Marble Bengal.
STORM— Is a beautiful blue eyed snow marble.
He is a son of the above cat MAX and he is a very rare Marble. He has the most superb markings and temperment and has not long had his first lot of kittens on the ground which were just super.
EDWARD—Is Jasper’s son to Crystal my new BSH BLUE Stud boy Edward.
He is going to no doubt follow on into his dad’s paw prints.
He is very stunning and very true to type.